
How To Uninstall Quick Heal Antivirus?

In some situations, you will have to uninstall Quick Heal Antivirus from your computer. To do the same on a Windows computer, make use of the following steps: On your Windows computer, navigate to the Control Panel. In the upper-right corner of your screen, click the View by drop-down menu. Now, shift over to Small Icons. Choose the Programs and Features option. This action will display the list of all the software installed on your computer. Locate the QuickHeal Antivirus product. (This will apply to any version of Quick Heal Antivirus). Right-click the product and select the Uninstall option. Now, when the uninstallation process is completed, you can restart your computer. For more information, please refer to

How To Connect Amazon Fire Stick To Tv?

Prior to connecting your Amazon Fire Stick to your TV, please check if you have all the following items: You should have a TV (that is compatible): You can use any TV that is HD or UHD along with an HDMI port. You need a wireless internet connection. You require an Amazon account: You should have a regular Amazon account. In case you do not have one already, you can create a new one during setup. You must have two AAA batteries for the Fire TV Stick remote. Once you have all the above essential things, you can Connect Amazon Fire Stick To Tv . To do so, carry out the instructions provided below: Powering on: First, plug your power adapter into the TV Stick. Next, plug the other end into an electrical outlet. Now, make sure that the TV Stick has been turned on. For more information, please refer to

Why Nvidia Shield Won't Turn On?

If the Nvidia Shield TV doesn’t power up at all so for Nvidia shield won't turn on, then there are chances for a faulty power outlet, insecure connections, remote control failure, or hardware issues. Some quick troubleshooting instructions are given here to fix the power issues for Nvidia TV. Check to see if the Shield TV is connected and plugged in properly to your power outlet. Before fix the the issue Nvidia shield won't turn on, check if the HDMI cable and the power cord are securely connected. Check if the TV is turned on. The LED will be illuminated to green if the connection is on. Make sure the shield TV is not in the sleeping mode. Check if the TV’s source input goes on with the HDMI port where the shield is plugged in. The HDMI ports are usually available at either the sides or the back of the TV. You can keep changing the input source until the HDMI input is set to the TV. If you cannot find the connection in one HDMI port, try shifting it to...

How to Fix Nvidia Download Driver issue on Mac computer?

Nvidia driver is used for controlling your computer’s video adapter. When you try to download the latest version of the Nvidia driver, but if Nvidia Won't Download Driver, then perform some of the possible troubleshooting instructions given below. First, uninstall the existing Nvidia driver from your computer manually. Then, download the Nvidia driver file from its official site and then install it on your computer. Steps to uninstall the existing Nvidia driver On the top bar of your Mac computer, locate and click the NVIDIA icon. Select the Open NVIDIA DRIVER Manager Preferences option. Locate and click the Open Uninstaller button followed by Uninstall. Make sure to restart your Mac computer after the NVIDIA driver uninstallation. Before you download the driver file, make sure that your computer’s OS type is compatible with the NVIDIA driver requirement. Steps to download the Nvidia driver file from its official site Open a web browser...

How to fix Mcafee Update Failed Error in Windows 10?

The McAfee Update failed issue may occur due to several factors. As soon as the error Update Failed is displayed, check your computer’s internet connection status. If the network is not connected, connect your computer to it, and then perform the McAfee programupdate process. Mcafee Update Failed Windows 10 Most of the McAfee application users experience the error Upgrade to Windows 10 fails with the error code: 0xC1900101- 0x30018 while updating the McAfee products for the first time. This error code is displayed on the Windows 10 computer screen while updating products such as LiveSafe or Total Protection. Some of the similar error messages that indicate the McAfee application’s update failure on your Windows 10 computer are discussed below. Couldn’t install Windows 10 The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during SYSPREP operation. 0xC1900101 – 0x30018 First, try to re-perform the update process. If the McAfee update failed issue pers...

How to Remove Chrome Popups?

Continuous pop-ups signify that the browser, internet, and system are not safe. Viruses like spyware, adware, and other unknown malicious programs can enter the device and corrupt the system process and data. Even the Chrome browser engine is not safe from the pop-ups. Check out the below solutions to Remove Chrome PopUps. On Windows: Search for ‘Control Panel’ on the desktop and open the Control Panel window. In the window, select Apps and Features. The apps and programs on the system appear on the right-side panel. Select the app or program name and click the Uninstall button to remove it from the system. On Mac: When you are deleting an app, first, close all the windows of the app on the dock. Using the spotlight icon, search for the Applications folder and open it. In the Applications folder, find the app you want to remove and drag it to the Trash folder. Following that, empty the Trash folder. This should solve the pop-up issue. ...

How To Update Nvidia Drivers?

NVIDIA Drivers are software chips that control your system video performance. If your NVIDIA driver file is outdated, then you can update it in many different ways. Some of the possible ways to update the NVIDIA drivers are discussed below. Steps to update NVIDIA drivers manually First, make sure that you know your NVIDIA driver's graphics card model. If not, launch the DirectX Diagnostic tool on your computer by typing the dxdiag command in the Run command. On the Diagnostic tool screen, click the Display tab. Search for the Chip Type section. Your NVIDIA driver's graphics card model is displayed in the Chip Type section. Now, go to the Nvidia GeForce website from your computer’s web browser. Click the Drivers tab. Now, select the graphics card from the suggested list. After selecting the latest driver file, click the Download button. Wait for the selected driver file to download. Once the NVIDIA driver file is downloaded successfully, open it. To...