How To Uninstall Quick Heal Antivirus?
In some situations,
you will have to uninstall Quick Heal Antivirus from your computer. To do the
same on a Windows computer, make use of the following steps:
- On your Windows computer, navigate to the Control Panel.
- In the upper-right corner of your screen, click the View by drop-down menu.
- Now, shift over to Small Icons.
- Choose the Programs and Features option. This action will display the list of all the software installed on your computer.
- Locate the QuickHeal Antivirus product. (This will apply to any version of Quick Heal Antivirus).
- Right-click the product and select the Uninstall option.
- Now, when the uninstallation process is completed, you can restart your computer.
For more information, please refer to
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