A Quick way to Uninstall Avast antivirus

Uninstall the Avast on Windows:

·         Open the Windows desktop and navigate to the Start menu.
·         Make sure to login as an administrator and close all the programs running currently on your Windows before opening the Avast software.
·         Select the Apps and Features from the displayed menu and search the Avast software.
·         Click the Uninstall button near the Avast antivirus and click Yes if the User Account Control(UAC) prompts.
·         On the Avast Setup Wizard, click on the Uninstall button again and select Yes to confirm your action.
·         Wait until the uninstallation process completes, and remove the Avast-related files.
·         The confirmation dialogue box will prompt you to restart your PC by giving both the ‘Restart computer’ and ‘Restart later’ buttons.
·         You can restart your computer by merely clicking on the Restart computer button.

Carry out these steps if you have enabled the Self-Defence mode on Avast software:

The Self-Defence mode is a unique feature that comes with the Avast antivirus to prevent the uninstallation of the software by malware applications. If you wish to uninstall Avast software, disable the Self-Defence mode first and proceed with the uninstallation.
1.    To disable the Self-Defence mode, open the Avast user interface and click on the Menu tab that is available at the top-right corner.
2.    Select the Settings option from the pull-down menu and click General  Troubleshooting.
3.    Disable the Self-Defence mode by deselecting the Enable Self-Defence checkbox under the Troubleshooting field and click Yes to confirm your action on the pop-up window.
4.    Now, uninstall Avast software from your device without any interruption.

To uninstall Avast on Mac, refer to https://antivirus-protection.co/how-to-uninstall-avast


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