A Quick way to Uninstall Avast antivirus
Uninstall the Avast on Windows:
Open the
Windows desktop and navigate to the Start menu.
Make sure to
login as an administrator and close all the programs running currently on your
Windows before opening the Avast software.
Select the
Apps and Features from the displayed menu and search the Avast software.
Click the
Uninstall button near the Avast antivirus and click Yes if the User Account
Control(UAC) prompts.
On the Avast
Setup Wizard, click on the Uninstall
button again and select Yes to confirm your action.
Wait until
the uninstallation process completes, and remove the Avast-related files.
confirmation dialogue box will prompt you to restart your PC by giving both the
‘Restart computer’ and ‘Restart later’ buttons.
You can
restart your computer by merely clicking on the Restart computer button.
Carry out these steps if you have enabled the
Self-Defence mode on Avast software:
The Self-Defence mode is
a unique feature that comes with the Avast antivirus to prevent the
uninstallation of the software by malware applications. If you wish to
uninstall Avast software, disable the Self-Defence mode first and proceed with
the uninstallation.
To disable
the Self-Defence mode, open the Avast user interface and click on the Menu tab
that is available at the top-right corner.
Select the
Settings option from the pull-down menu and click General Troubleshooting.
Disable the
Self-Defence mode by deselecting the Enable Self-Defence checkbox under the
Troubleshooting field and click Yes to confirm your action on the pop-up
uninstall Avast software from your device without any interruption.
To uninstall Avast on Mac, refer to https://antivirus-protection.co/how-to-uninstall-avast
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