A quick way to Uninstall your Avast Antivirus - Free Avast Uninstall Utility

Avast manufacturer developed an uninstall utility named Avast Clear that will assist you in removing the Avast product on your device. It supports all the Windows versions. Whenever you encounter a problem with uninstalling the Avast product (Free Antivirus, Internet Security, and Premier or Business security), use this utility, and get it uninstalled. Avast product installed on your device can be removed using the Control Panel on your device. The Avast Uninstall Utility can function more than the usual methods. It makes the working process easier and quicker.

Carry out these steps to download the Avast Uninstall Utility and remove the Avast product:

  • Open the default browser on your device and navigate to the Avast official site.
  • Download the Avast Clear software that is compatible with your OS.
  • The downloaded file will be in the .exe format for Windows OS.
  • After downloading the file, restart your Windows and run it in Safe Mode.
  • While restarting, press the F8 key once the Windows logo appears to start the Safe Mode.
  • Run the Avast Clear software and locate the Avast programs from the storage drives.
  • Make sure to choose the Avast products that you wish to uninstall from the files list.
  • If you have chosen some other files instead of Avast products, it may lead to the deletion of the selected folder.
  • After selecting the files on the Avast Clear utility, click on the Remove button and restart your computer.

For more information, please refer to https://antivirus-protection.co/avast-uninstall-utility


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