How to Uninstall Kaspersky from Mac?
Unable to
Uninstall Kaspersky from Mac? This guide will teach you how to quickly and
properly remove Kaspersky from your Mac. Remove the Kaspersky program on the Mac using the below-mentioned
- On your Mac device, go to the Status menu at the top-right end and click on the Kaspersky icon.
- The list of shortcut menus are displayed, select the Quit option.
- Open the Kaspersky installation file that had been saved on the Mac.
- In the Kaspersky window, click the Uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security icon.
- Click the Uninstall button to perform the uninstallation.
- If your Mac prompts for the administrator Username and Password, enter the details and click OK.
- Complete the uninstallation steps and click the Quit button.
For more information, please refer to
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